
Monthly Archives: April 2018


If there’s a leading candidate for an obscure ECM release needing to be reissued, Steve Eliovson’s Dawn Dance with Collin Walcott is that album. Only available briefly on CD and probably only in Germany. I used to have this on vinyl, I should have kept this one when I sold the collection.

Manafonistas tells the story:

He made one guitar solo album for ECM, in 1981, then fell from earth. A bit of research, and I found this story:

„I just got back from Cape Town, S Africa … I spent a week and a 1/2 making a nuisance of myself at various gigs/jams. I got to sit in with Bensonphile, Richard Caesar, Wes-o-phile, Alvin Dyers and other sundry bands/guys. So on saturday I was invited to a party at great pianist Robert Payne’s pad. There were a few people there, and one guy was introduced as „Steve“. About 1/2 way thru the nite I heard „Steve“ mention recording in Germany. I tentatively asked him for his last name, and his response FLOORED me: Eliovson. This was the legendary Steve Eliovson who recorded on ECM in ’80 and promptly vanished. He is a legend amongst SA gtr players, and here he was in front of me alive and well !!!!! He told me lots of stories of hanging with Towner and Abercrombie et al, and how the exigencies of survival forced him to abandon his gtrs in NY storage NEVER to return to music – sad freaking story … Anyway I pulled out my gtr and he played a bit. Rusty, but with glimpses of a Mclaughlin style … He told me he was in Europe to record his 2nd ECM date and the weekend before recording commenced he broke a leg ski-ing in the Alps. It all began to fall apart for him after that. They postponed the rec. date, and Steve went back to NYC where he was living at the time. He said he couldn’t really play gigs or get around with a cast up to his hip in NY and he was living on someone’s couch. He decided to store his belongings and head back to SA to regroup. He never got back … and it seems he lost momentum … I could sense the sad regret/loss behind his eyes … He mentioned hanging with Richie Bierach in those days, and that Richie was living in a literal „shoebox“: one room with barely space to move. He also recalled jams with Towner and Abercrombie where they all got so stoned that guys were literally falling over while playing … His sad story reconfirmed to me that if you can simply find a way to keep playing music in your life (never mind being a „star“ or „famous“) you can count yourself lucky …“ (Tom Marcello)


thoughts about music by David Beardsley

The Music Aficionado

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Musica Kaleidoskopea

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The Canterbury scene(zine) continued....

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The Hum Blog

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J.C. Combs

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Ted Greene Archive

Immortalizing Beauty Through Music

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New Music Buff

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Night After Night

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New Videos

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Field Stations and Outposts of Anaphoria Island

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Make Your Own Taste

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Articulate Silences

Tacet / Tacet / Tacet

David Rothenberg

musician, composer, author and philosopher-naturalist


Scott Healy's Jazz Composition Blog: Writing, Arranging and Listening

Avant Music News

A source for news on music that is challenging, interesting, different, progressive, introspective, or just plain weird

Do The Math

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Just another site

Music : NPR

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destination: OUT

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Renewable Music

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Mixed Meters

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thoughts about music by David Beardsley

Bob Gluck's Blog

Just another site

Today Is The Question: Ted Panken on Music, Politics and the Arts

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a sinister resonance


Kyle Gann on music after the fact